Conditions and conditions for the use of the services of the company

These conditions and conditions govern your use of the services of Aaknan for feasibility studies. Using our services, agree to adhere to these conditions. Please read these conditions carefully before using our services.

General Requirements

If you purchase a feasibility study by Aaknan, we will be responsible for maintaining the safety of your account and the secret of your information and you will be fully responsible for all the stages of your project and implement your studies and any other measures taken regarding implementation, and providing false contact information of any kind may lead to evacuation of the terms of the contract And, and we do not bear responsibility for any works or errors you do, including any damage of any kind that occur It was agreed upon and according to your requirements and in the event of requesting amendments, we are committed to implementing them with a maximum of three times.


You must pay all fees or expenses for implementing your studies and listed in the contract concluded in accordance with the provisions and conditions for paying the fees and bills applied at the time of payment. If your purchases – at our discretion – represent a high risk treatment, we will ask you to provide us with a way for a valid government identification card, and in the event that funding is rejected for reasons related to the study, the entire fees are retrieved, and in the event that 48 hours have passed to pay the cost of feasibility study, the second party is not the right to recover The amount, we are committed to carrying out the study in the final form to the second party on time except in the event of your request to stop the work for your reasons and your request.

Accuracy of Information

The information on the website may sometimes involve typographical errors, errors or forgetfulness related to promotional offers, etc., and accordingly, we reserve the right to correct any errors, mistakes, or forgetfulness, and make a change or update of information or cancel purchase requests if it is found at any time An error in any information on the site or any relevant service without prior notification (including after submitting the purchase request), and we do not pledge any commitment to update, modify or clarify information on the site, including, but not limited to, price information, With the exception of what is required by the law, it is not necessary to understand any specific update or update date on the site as an indication that all the information or any service related to it has been modified or updated on the site.

Project implementation period

We prepare the draft of the study within 15 working days, including the days of weekly or official holidays, provided that we are committed to submitting the required study during the period specified in the contract concluded.

Intellectual Property Rights

This agreement does not convey any intellectual ownership owned by the company or external parties, and all rights, properties and interests remain (as between the two parties) is an exclusive property of the company, and all brands, service marks, graphics and slogans used in relation to our site or our services are considered brands or brands registered in favor of Aknan commercial feasibility company. Or the licensed company from Aknan, knowing that brands, service marks, graphics and other slogans used regarding our site or our services may be trademarks for other external parties, and accordingly, your use of our site and our services does not give you any right, license to copy or use any of the signs The company or the signs of other parties, and we are committed to complete confidentiality and not to disclose any information in dealing with the study and the project information in complete confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the international agreement NAD to confidentiality of work information.

Eliminate Responsibility for the guarantee

You agree that your use of our site or our services falls on your own responsibility, and also agrees that our services are provided on the basis of ‘it is’ and ‘as it is available’, and the company gives up its responsibility explicitly from all guarantees, whatever its type, whether it is frank or implicit, Including, for example, but not limited Or about the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through services or that defects will be corrected in services at your request, and you realize that any materials and/or data are downloaded or obtained in another way through the use of services, it is done according to For your appreciation and your own responsibility, and we do not provide any guarantee regarding any goods or services that have been purchased or obtained through services or any transactions concluded through services, and no advice or information, oral or written, obtained from the company Or through services, finding any guarantee that is explicitly stipulated in these conditions and conditions.

Determination of Responsibility

Aaknan does not bear. Or its subsidiaries, officials, managers, employees, agents, suppliers, or licensing those responsible for the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law or in any way towards any person opposite (a): any direct, accidental, private or punitive damage or Insurance or dependency (including, but not limited – For any responsibility theory, including, but not limited to, contract, errors Ability, guarantee, breach of legal duty or neglect or otherwise, even if the company is notified of the possibility of such damages or if it is possible to predict it, and the total responsibility of the company and its subsidiaries and its officials, its directors, employees, agents, suppliers, and licensing licenses associated with services are limited to the maximum extent allows the extent that allows It has the law in force for an amount of more than one dollar or any amounts that you actually pay in cash to the Aaknan company from the previous month on the occurrence of the first accident or an incident that arises from this responsibility, taking into account that the restrictions and exceptions apply also if this compensation does not compensate you in a way Full of any losses or breaches in achieving its basic purpose.

Solving Conflicts and Disputes

When any dispute arises about the interpretation or implementation of the study or the concluded contract, we will strive together to solve the friendly means, and if this is not possible, the matter will be raised to the competent judicial authorities.

Changes and Amendments

We reserve the right to amend this agreement or its policies related to the website or services at any time, provided that any such amendments shall be made when publishing an updated copy of this agreement on the site. And when we do this, we will adjust the date of the update mentioned at the bottom of this page, knowing that your continued use of the site after any such changes are considered to be the approval of these changes.

Admission to these Conditions

You acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to all its conditions and provisions. And if you use the site or its services, you are consistent with adhering to this agreement. In the event that you do not agree to adhere to the conditions of this agreement.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this agreement, please contact us.

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Aaknan is the best feasibility study company in Saudi Arabia. Committed to delivering high-quality project analysis and reports. Ensuring risk-free investments.

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